• 基本介绍
  • 教育经历
  • 工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 论文信息
  • 专利著作
  • 获奖信息
西康路校区 13951778715 hehai_hhu@hhu.edu.cn


  • 1998-09 - 2002-06: 河海大学 水文学及水资源 硕士


  • 1997-08 - 1970-01 河海大学水电院无
  • 2000-08 - 2007-12 科学研究院科技管理及科学研究
  • 2008-01 - 1970-01 水文水资源学院教学科研


  • 泰州市主城区水体纳污总量控制研究
  • 气象-水文-水力学耦合模型洪水预报预警关键技术
  • 西北干旱地区水文循环规律的研究
  • 基于陆气耦合的突发性洪水预报技术
  • 靖江市长江区域供水川心港取水口河势分析研究
  • 我国降水演变及其对气候变化的响应
  • VIC模型开发及未来我国水资源情景
  • 南四湖流域水资源承载能力评价研究
  • 嫩江流域水质衰减系数的技术研究
  • 爱瑞德取水计量远传系统
  • 基于水文循环动态结构的东部洪涝预测研究
  • 太湖无锡区水文资料整理协议
  • 节水型社会建设专题项目——现代农业示范园区节水农业示范评估
  • 塔里木河流域水文内循环强度研究
  • 太湖水域湖泛形成机理研究
  • 水体污染与治理-印染废水深度处理及回用成套技术研究与工程示范
  • 基于气象-水文耦合的干旱预测研究
  • 江苏省地下水超采治理成效总结
  • 气候变化对江苏水资源影响及对策研究
  • 江苏联峰实业股份有限公司3650万m3/年取水工程水资源论证
  • 塔里木河流域水文内循环强度研究
  • 计划用水管理实施情况分析
  • 淮河治理的地学基础研究
  • 用水计划指标核定方法研究
  • 干旱区陆面蒸散发估算及其时空分布研究
  • 江苏省干旱时空格局及其前兆异常信号研究,
  • 苏州地区遥感与水文资料收集整理
  • 电力行业用水单位水平衡测试方法和关键技术研究
  • 关于开展水文实验数据整理及计算分析的协议
  • 基层节水管理能力协助研究
  • 黄土高原水流模拟模型及水沙耦合模型测试
  • 黄土高原水流模拟模型及水沙耦合模型测试
  • 江宁区水生态文明城市建设试点期末自评估
  • 江苏省旱情监测预测系统研究
  • 基层节水管理能力协助研究
  • 旱情多尺度预报预测技术
  • 多源降水融合及旬月尺度降水预测技术
  • 2019年基层节水管理能力协助研究
  • 江苏省水库抗暴雨能力实时分析模块
  • 盐城市盐都区水务局洪涝灾害调查评价项目


  • 黑河流域水汽输送及收支特征,自然资源学报,01-JAN-12
  • Precipitation Recycling in Tarim River Basin,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-13
  • Advances in the study of projection of climate change impacts on hydrological extremes,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,01-JAN-11
  • 西北地区近地面水汽特征及其与区域蒸发关系,水电能源科学,01-JAN-12
  • 太湖流域水资源阈值探析,长江流域资源与环境,01-JAN-12
  • The Precipitation Recycling in Tarim River Basin,Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,01-JAN-12
  • 基于系统理论的流域水资源综合管理框架探讨,纪念刘光文诞辰100周年-水文水资源学术讨论会论文集,01-JAN-10
  • 塔里木河流域水文循环要素变化特征分析,水电能源科学,01-JAN-10
  • Characteristics of the Water Vapor Transport and its Budget Over the Tarim River Basin,Proceedings of the international conference on Hydrological Changes and Management,01-JAN-09
  • 黑河流域水汽输送及水汽特征,自然资源学报,01-JAN-12
  • Comparison and analysis of bare soil evaporation models combined with ASTER data in Heihe river basin,Water Science and Engineering,01-JAN-09
  • 新疆地区的大气水特征分析,水电能源科学,01-JAN-10
  • 淮河流域旱涝年水汽输送特征分析,水电能源科学,01-JAN-10
  • 全球水循环研究进展,水科学进展,01-JAN-06
  • Study on the threshold space of water resources carrying capacity,Methodology in Hydrology,01-JAN-07
  • Climatological anomalies of 500 hPa height fields for heavy rainfalls over the Huaihe River Basin,Advanced Engineering and Technology - Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Congress on Advanced Engineering and Technology, CAET 2014,01-JAN-14
  • Temporal and spatial variations of snow depth in regions of the upper reaches of Yangtze River under future climate change scenarios: A study based on CMIP5 multi-model ensemble projections,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,30-JUL-14
  • 浅水流动有限体积法/Osher格式的二维水流-水质模拟,农村生态环境,01-JAN-02
  • 水资源承载能力阈值空间研究,水利水电技术,01-JAN-05
  • Zoning of mountain torrent hazards in medium-small river basins,Diqiu Kexue - Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences,01-OCT-14
  • 长江流域极端降水过程事件的年内分布特征,长江流域资源与环境,01-JAN-14
  • Development of a Large-Scale Routing Model with Scale Independent by Considering the Damping Effect of Sub-Basins,WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT,01-JAN-15
  • Evaluation of optimized WRF precipitation forecast over a complex topography region during flood season,Atmosphere,24-NOV-16
  • Analysis of hydrological drought frequency for the Xijiang River Basin in South China using observed streamflow data,NATURAL HAZARDS,01-JAN-15
  • Spatio-temporal analysis of drought in a typical plain region based on the Soil Moisture Anomaly Percentage Index,Science of the Total Environment,31-OCT-16
  • Impact of climate change on drought in the upstream Yangtze River Region,water,07-DEC-16
  • A method to evaluate coordination between regional economic, social development and water resources,INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENT 2016 (WRE2016),23-JUL-16
  • Anomalous Features of Water Vapor Transport during Severe Summer and Early Fall Droughts in Southwest China,WATER,01-JAN-17
  • High-Resolution Dynamical Downscaling of Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts for the Hanjiang Basin in China Using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model,JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY,01-JAN-17
  • Correlation between hydrological drought, climatic factors, reservoir operation, and vegetation cover in the Xijiang Basin, South China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-JAN-17
  • Impact of Climate Change on Drought in the Upstream Yangtze River Region,WATER,01-JAN-16
  • Spatio-temporal analysis of drought in a typical plain region based on the soil moisture anomaly percentage index,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-17
  • Regional response of runoff in CMIP5 multi-model climate projections of Jiangsu Province, China,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,01-JAN-17
  • An Integration Approach for Mapping Field Capacity of China Based on Multi-Source Soil Datasets,WATER,01-JAN-18
  • Verification of High-Resolution Medium-Range Precipitation Forecasts from Global Environmental Multiscale Model over China during 2009-2013,ATMOSPHERE,01-JAN-18
  • Hydrologic Evaluation of Multi-Source Satellite Precipitation Products for the Upper Huaihe River Basin, China,REMOTE SENSING,01-JAN-18
  • An advanced error correction methodology for merging in-situ observed and model-based soil moisture,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-JAN-18
  • Improvement of a combination of TMPA (or IMERG) and ground-based precipitation and application to a typical region of the East China Plain,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-18
  • A conceptual prediction model for seasonal drought processes using atmospheric and oceanic standardized anomalies: application to regional drought processes in China,HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,01-JAN-18
  • Understanding Atmospheric Anomalies Associated With Seasonal Pluvial-Drought Processes Using Southwest China as an Example,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,22-OCT-17


  • 基于IDL和Mapinfo的子流域划分与信息提取方法
  • 一种提取流域边界内数据信息的方法
  • 基于IDL和Mapinfo的子流域划分与信息提取方法
  • 一种活塞式磁浮传动可直读多功能风速计(发明)
  • 一种提取流域边界内数据信息的方法


  • 2017年度大禹水利科学技术奖
  • 2007年度大禹水利科学技术奖
  • 2011年度大禹水利科学技术奖