王卫光,教授,博士生导师,国家级人才计划入选者。长江保护与绿色发展研究院副院长,水灾害防御全国重点实验室副主任。长期从事生态水文与水资源利用方面的研究,主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、江苏省杰出青年基金等科研项目30余项。在《Nature communications》、《Global Change Biology》《Water Resources Research》等领域权威期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,先后获省部级科技一等奖4项。担任ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering副主编,湖泊科学等期刊编委。曾入选国家青年人才计划、江苏省杰出青年基金获得者、江苏省333(第二层次)高层次人才,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才。获全国宝钢优秀教师奖、刘光文青年科技奖、全国高等学校水利类研究生优秀指导教师、江苏省“十佳研究生导师团队”等荣誉称号。指导的研究生获评江苏省优秀博士学位论文2篇,全国水利类专业优秀硕士学位论文3篇。
- 1996-09 - 2000-06: 武汉大学 - 农田水利工程 学士
- 2000-09 - 2003-06: 武汉大学 - 水利水电工程 硕士
- 2003-09 - 2006-06: 武汉大学 - 水利水电工程 博士
- 2006-07 - 2009-06 河海大学水文水资源学院讲师
- 2009-07 - 2013-04 河海大学水文水资源学院副教授
- 2010-09 - 2011-08 澳大利亚联邦科工研究院访问学者
- 2013-05 - 至今 河海大学水文水资源学院教授
- 2014-11 - 2015-04 澳大利亚联邦科工研究院Endeavor客座研究员
- 2016-12 - 2017-03 中佛罗里达大学高级访问学者
- 2016-12 - 2024-01 水文水资源学院副院长
- 2024-01 - 至今 长江保护与绿色发展研究院副院长
- 2024-01 - 至今 水灾害防御全国重点实验室副主任
- 生态水文
- 水资源高效利用
- 大气-陆面-水文耦合
- 气候变化与极端灾害应对
- Chen Z., Wang W.*, Forzieri G., Cescatti A., 2024. Transition from positive to negative indirect CO2 effects on the vegetation carbon uptake[J]. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1500.
- Fu J., Wang W.*, Zaitchik B., Nie W., Fei E., Miller S., Harman C., 2022. Critical role of irrigation efficiency for cropland expansion in western China arid agroecosystems[J]. Earth's Future, 10(9): e2022EF002955.(Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 研究亮点报道)
- Chen Z., Wang W.*, Cescatti A., Forzieri G., 2023. Climate‐driven vegetation greening further reduces water availability in drylands[J]. Global Change Biology, 29(6): 1628-1647.
- Liu G., Wang W.*, 2023. Irrigation‐induced crop growth enhances irrigation cooling effect over the north China plain by increasing transpiration[J]. Water Resources Research, 59(3), e2022WR034142.
- Cao M., Wang W.*, Wei J., Forzieric G., Fetzerd I., Wang-Erlandssond L., 2024. Revegetation Impacts on Moisture Recycling and Precipitation Trends in the Chinese Loess Plateau[J]. Water Resources Research. e2024WR038199
- Fu J., Wang W.*, Shao Q., Xing W., Cao M., Wei J., Chen Z., Nie W., 2022. Improved global evapotranspiration estimates using proportionality hypothesis-based water balance constraints[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 279: 113140.
- Wei J., Han W., Wang W.*, Zhang L., Rajagopalan B., 2023. Intensification of heatwaves in China in recent decades: Roles of climate modes[J]. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6(1), 98.
- Liu G., Wang W.*, Shao Q., 2023. Recent decline of irrigation-induced cooling effect over the North China Plain in observations and model simulations[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(2), e2022GL101973.
- Liu G., Wang W.*, Xu H., 2024. Spring irrigation reduces the frequency and intensity of summer extreme heat events in the North China Plain[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(5), e2023GL107094.
- Yang L., Wang W.*, Wei J., 2023. Assessing the response of vegetation photosynthesis to flash drought events based on a new identification framework[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 339, 109545.
- Wei J., Wang W.*, Wang G., Cao M., Yang L., Zhang S., Fu J., Xing W., 2023. Projecting the changes in multifaceted characteristics of heatwave events across China[J]. Earth's Future, 11(3), e2022EF003387.
- Wei J., Wang W.*, Shao Q., Yu Z., Chen Z., Huang Y., Xing, W., 2020. Heat wave variations across China tied to global SST modes[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(6): e2019JD031612.
- Liu G., Wang W.*, Shao Q., Wei J., Zheng J., Liu B., Chen Z., 2021. Simulating the climatic effects of irrigation over China by using the WRF‐Noah model system with mosaic approach[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(15): e2020JD034428.
- Zhang, S., Wang, W.*, Wei, J., Qian, H., Wamucii, C. N., Teuling, A. J., 2024. Land-atmosphere interaction during heat waves diagnosed using vapor pressure deficit dynamics[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 645, 132181.
- Qian H., Wang W.*, Chen G, 2024.Assessing forecast performance of daily reference evapotranspiration: A comparison of equations, machine and deep learning using weather forecasts[J]. Journal of Hydrology,644,132101
- Chen Z., Wang W.*, Woods R. A., Shao Q., 2021. Hydrological effects of change in vegetation components across global catchments[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 595: 125775.
- Cao M., Wang W.*, Xing W., Wei J., Chen X., Li J., Shao Q., 2021. Multiple sources of uncertainties in satellite retrieval of terrestrial actual evapotranspiration[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 601: 126642.
- Fu J., Wang W.*, Liu B., Lu Y., Xing W., Cao M., Zhu S., Guan T., Wei J., Chen Z., 2023. Seasonal divergence of evapotranspiration sensitivity to vegetation changes-a proportionality-hypothesis-based analytical solution[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 617, 129055.
- Deng C., Wang W.*. A two-stage partitioning monthly model and assessment of its performance on runoff modeling[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 592: 125829.
- Xing, W., Wang W.*, Cai, Y., Yu, Z., Shao, Q., Cao, X., Cao, M., Yang, L., Yong, B., 2024. Evapotranspiration partitioning through water stable isotopic measurements in a subtropical coniferous forest[J]. Ecohydrology, 17(5).
- 教育部自然科学一等奖
- 全国农业节水科技一等奖
- 江苏省科学技术二等奖
- 国家教学成果二等奖
- 江苏省教学成果特等奖
- 全国宝钢优秀教师奖
- 刘光文青年科技奖
- 江苏省优秀博士学位论文指导教师
- 全国高等学校水利类研究生优秀指导教师
- 江苏省“十佳研究生导师团队”