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刘光文附楼418 luchengpeng@hhu.edu.cn
2006年毕业于河海大学获水文与水资源工程专业工学学士学位,2011年获河海大学水文学及水资源专业工学博士学位,于2009.9-2011.2和2018.9-2019.6分别在美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校和美国阿拉巴马大学进行学术交流。2011年至今,任职于河海大学水文水资源学院。2013.3-2016.1在河海大学力学与材料学院进行博士后研究工作。2018.3-2018.9借调至水利部国家地下水监测工程项目建设办公室工作。现任河海大学水文水资源学院院长助理、水资源研究所副所长。 讲授《地下水水文学》、《水文地质及工程地质》、《地下水资源开发利用》、《地下水数值模拟》、《高等地下动力学》等本硕博以及留学生课程。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室开放研究基金项目,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,国家重点研发计划项目子课题等。在介质非均质识别野外和试验手段方面取得创新成果,揭示了非均质介质驱动下的潜流交换作用机理,研发了地下水动态过程的精细化模拟预测模型。 教学成果 [1] 地下水水文学,首届江苏省高校教师教学创新大赛,部属高校正高组特等奖,2021年,3/3(束龙仓,刘波,鲁程鹏) [2] 河海大学第二十六届教师讲课竞赛,学校级,普通组三等奖,2020-01,河海大学 [3] 2018年江苏省普通高等学校优秀本科团队毕业设计,省(自治区、直辖市)级,2019-06,江苏省教育厅,2/3(束龙仓、鲁程鹏、刘波) [4] 2021年江苏省普通高等学校优秀本科团队毕业设计,省(自治区、直辖市)级,2022-06,江苏省教育厅,3/4(刘波、束龙仓、鲁程鹏、王文鹏) [5] 借力新媒体,推进地下水双语教学体系中核心价值观的有机融合,2018年河海大学教学成果奖,学校级,二等奖,2019-03,河海大学,3/3(束龙仓、刘波、鲁程鹏) [6] 河海大学2018届本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师,学校级,2018-07,河海大学 [7] 河海大学2015届本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师,学校级,2015-07,河海大学 [8] 河海大学第二十六届教师讲课竞赛,学校级,三等奖,2020-01,河海大学 [9] 第20届河海大学教师讲课竞赛,学校级,青年组三等奖,2013年 招生信息 博士招生范围: 081501-水文学及水资源(学博)         0830Z1-生态水利(学博) 硕士招生范围: 081501-水文学及水资源(学硕) 0815Z1-城市水务(学硕)       0830Z1-生态水利(学硕) 085900-土木水利(专硕)


  • 2002-09 - 2006-06: 河海大学 学士
  • 2006-09 - 2011-10: 河海大学 博士


  • 2011-11 - 1970-01 河海大学水文水资源学院教师
  • 2018-03 - 2018-09 水利部国家地下水监测工程项目建设办公室借调,参与国家地下水监测工程的建设管理和技术咨询活动
  • 2018-09 - 2019-09 美国阿拉巴马大学地质科学系,国家留学基金委资助以访问学者身份在美国阿拉巴马大学地质科学系进行访学


  • 地下水与地表水相互作用机理
  • 非均质性对地下水流与溶质运移的影响机制
  • 地下水系统模拟与环境影响评价
  • 基于机器学习的地下水系统复杂演变过程解释
  • 地下水资源与地表水资源一体化管理


  • 水资源管理考核指标数据资料收集及分析
  • 低渗透性介质渗透系数多重分形特征识别及其对潜水溶质运移过程的影响
  • 地下水水源地安全供水风险识别研究
  • 河流附近浅薄含水层水-热运移试验研究
  • 济宁太白湖新区水资源承载能力评价项目
  • 济宁市水资源承载能力评价报告编制项目
  • 陕西省关中平原典型区分布式流域水文模型及地下水数值模拟模型建设
  • 地下水干旱的识别及驱动机制分析
  • 黄泛平原超采区地下水及土壤含盐量变化规律研究
  • 岩溶水渗流室内试验
  • 黄泛平原超采区地下水及土壤含盐量变化规律研究
  • 北大港水库蓄水咸化风险和防治对策研究
  • 长江河势急剧变化区水下抛石护岸防护效果研究
  • 低渗透性透镜体影响潜流交换的试验与模拟
  • 济宁太白湖新区水资源承载能力评价项目
  • 长江河势急剧变化区水下抛石护岸防护效果研究
  • 重庆市中长期洪旱的影响因子分析与预报研究项目
  • 低渗透性透镜体对潜流交换作用的抑制与增强机制
  • 南京至句容城际轨道交通工程穿越“大连山-青龙山水源涵养区”地下水专项评价
  • 中国宜兴环保科技工业园规划环境影响评价地下水专项评价
  • 重庆市中长期洪旱的影响因子分析与预报研究项目
  • 地下水动态评价与预测关键技术
  • 地下水水位监测数据质量分析
  • 调水工程典型区地下水生态效益分析
  • 河流与地下水不同补排条件下潜流交换试验与模拟
  • 地下水水位监测数据质量分析
  • 调水工程典型区地下水生态效益分析
  • 长江江苏典型河段多要素监测体系研究与应用
  • 砾石质河床非稳态潜流交换的形成机制和生态效应研究
  • 沭阳县饮用水源地安全保障规划编制项目
  • 宿豫区集中式饮用水源地安全保障规划项目
  • 江苏元华纺织科技有限公司高档印染家纺面料项目水资源论证报告
  • 地下水监测数据加工预处理及动态变化预测模型封装测试
  • 基于热追踪方法的非均质潜流交换机理研究,国家自然科学基金委,水文水资源学院
  • 河床地形影响下的非均质潜流交换机制研究,教育部科技发展中心,水文水资源学院
  • 高邮电池工业园规划环境影响评价地下水专项评价,环境保护部南京环境科学研究所,水文水资源学院
  • 水资源管理年度检查校核技术研究,南京水利科学研究院,水文水资源学院
  • 江宁经济技术开发区规划环境影响评价地下水专项评价,环境保护部南京环境科学研究所,水文水资源学院
  • 潜流带非均质性对潜流交换的影响机制研究,水文水资源学院
  • 云南省小康水利建设规划指标体系研究专题,云南省水利水电勘测设计研究院,水文水资源学院
  • 山东省研究区用水量校核技术实例应用研究,南京水利科学研究院,水文水资源学院
  • 河岸潜流带二维潜流交换特征识别与数值模拟,中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,水文水资源学院
  • 山东省研究区用水量校核技术实例应用研究,京水利科学研究院,水文水资源学院
  • 庐江县饮用水源地安全保障规划研究,安徽省水利部淮河水利委员会水利科学研究院,水文水资源学院


  • Determination of the anisotropy of an upper streambed layer in east-central Nebraska, USA,Hydrogeology Journal,2012-01-01
  • Field evidence and numerical simulation of scale effect of hydraulic conductivity,IAHS-AISH Publication,2012-01-01
  • Determining informational entropy of KARST spring hydrology based on wavelet transform,Advanced Materials Research,2012-01-01
  • Evaluation of climate change impact on sustainability of Tailan underground reservoir in China,Advanced Materials Research,2013-01-01
  • Interpretation of a short-duration pumping test in the mixed flow karst system using a three-reservoir model,CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES,2013-01-01
  • 河床地形影响潜流交换作用的数值分析,水科学进展,2012-01-01
  • Study of hydrodynamics of karstic aquifer based on grey correlation analysis,ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection,2011-01-01
  • Study on the heterogeneity of vertical hyporheic flux using a heat tracing method,Shuili Xuebao/Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2013-01-01
  • Laboratory study on the recharge efficiency of infiltration basin,ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection,2011-01-01
  • Parameter estimation for a karst aquifer with unknown thickness using the genetic algorithm method,ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES,2011-01-01
  • An index of river health for river plain network regions,IAHS-AISH Publication,2009-01-01
  • Kriging method for estimation of groundwater resources in a basin with scarce monitoring data,IAHS-AISH Publication,2009-01-01
  • Small-scale rainfall-runoff experiments and numerical simulation in a typical small karst basin of Houzhai, Guizhou Province, China,IAHS-AISH Publication,2009-01-01
  • 基于示踪试验求解岩溶含水层水文地质参数,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2009-01-01
  • A coupled seepage-horizontal well flow model and numerical experiments,水科学进展,2009-01-01
  • 基于灵敏度分析的地下水数值模拟精度适应性评价,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2010-01-01
  • 稀疏数据插值问题的回归克里格方法,水电能源科学,2009-01-01
  • 河床沉积物渗透系数的对比研究,第五届中国水论坛论文集,2008-01-01
  • 近40年可鲁克湖-托素湖面积变化及影响因素分析,水资源保护,2014-01-30
  • 裂隙-管道介质泉流量衰减过程试验研究及数值模拟,水利学报,2014-01-28
  • 基于热追踪方法的河流横断面潜流交换时空非均质特征研究,第四纪研究,2014-09-30
  • 应用MODFLOW和LAK3计算水库渗漏量,工程勘察,2013-07-01
  • 含水层压密引起其特征参数变化的实验,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2013-11-26
  • 河流附近非水平初始面潜水渗流分析,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2014-01-26
  • 管道-裂隙岩溶含水介质非均质性的水文效应,南水北调与水利科技,2013-02-28
  • 渗透系数空间变异性对低渗透地层中地下水溶质运移的影响,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2014-03-25
  • Physical experiment and numerical simulation of spring flow attenuation process in fissure-conduit media,Shuili Xuebao/Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2014-01-01
  • Experimental determination of fractures and conduits and the applicability of Cubic law in closed fractures,EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE,2015-01-01
  • A new empirical model for estimating the hydraulic conductivity of low permeability media,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,2015-01-01
  • Study of an evaluation index system of well-off water conservancy in Yunnan Province,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,2015-01-01
  • Monitoring temporal patterns of vertical hyporheic flux via distributed temperature sensors,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,2015-01-01
  • Variations of streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity before and after a flood season,HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL,2015-01-01
  • 贵州后寨喀斯特流域含水介质渗透系数空间尺度特征研究,中国科技论文,2016-08-01
  • Stochastic analysis of the hydraulic conductivity estimated for a heterogeneous aquifer via numerical modelling,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,2015-01-01
  • 地下水水文学课程基础概念的课堂微实践模式初探与效果评价,新课程(下),2016-01-01
  • Laboratory Analog Analysis of Spring Recession Curve in a Karst Aquifer with Fracture and Conduit Domains,Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,2016-02-01
  • The heterogeneity of 3-D vertical hydraulic conductivity in a streambed,Hydrology Research,2016-02-10
  • A new method for evaluating riverside well locations based on allowable withdrawal,Water,2016-09-21
  • Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Groundwater Drought and Its Response to Meteorological Drought in Jiangsu Province, China,WATER,2016-01-01
  • Heat tracing to determine spatial patterns of hyporheic exchange across a river transect,Hydrogeology Journal,2017-01-01
  • Differences in methods of quantifying the vertical hyporheic flow for streambank flow field,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2017-01-01
  • Experimental study on hyporheic flow varied by the clay lens and stream flow,ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES,2018-01-01
  • Impact of a low-permeability lens on dune-induced hyporheic exchange,HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES,2018-01-01
  • Quantitative analysis of riverbank groundwater flow for the Qinhuai River, China, and its influence factors,HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES,2018-01-01
  • The Influences of a Clay Lens on the Hyporheic Exchange in a Sand Dune,WATER,2018-01-01
  • Field Experiments of Hyporheic Flow Affected by a Clay Lens,WATER,2019-01-01
  • A convenient method to estimate soil hydraulic conductivity using electrical conductivity and soil compaction degree,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2019-01-01
  • Impact of fractional probability distributions on statistics of hydraulic conductivity, dynamics of groundwater flow and solute transport at a low-permeability site,HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES,2020-10-15
  • 华北平原超采区浅层地下水埋深变化及控制因素分析,水资源与水工程学报,2019-12-04
  • 压缩过程中粗粒土渗透性变化的试验分析,水资源与水工程学报,2016-12-15
  • 五种基流分割方法在长江螺山站的应用对比研究,水资源与水工程学报,2015-06-03
  • 点云密度对水下抛石效果评价的不确定性研究,人民长江,2019-08-07
  • 基于电导率深度变化曲线的地层渗透系数变化趋势模拟方法,水电能源科学,2017-04-14
  • 黏土透镜体影响潜流交换的试验研究,长江科学院院报,2018-04-05
  • 长江干流朱沱站- 大通站基流变化特征,南水北调与水利科技,2015-10-14
  • 长江螺山站50 年来基流演变趋势分析,水资源与水工程学报,2015-10-29
  • Event-Driven Hyporheic Exchange during Single and Seasonal Rainfall in a Gaining Stream,Water Resources Management,2020-09-16
  • Simulation of the Riprap Movement Using the Continuous-Time Random Walking Method,WATER,2021-10-01
  • Groundwater level modeling framework by combining the wavelet transform with a long short-term memory data-driven model,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-08-01
  • Spatiotemporal variation and long-range correlation of groundwater depth in the Northeast China Plain and North China Plain from 2000 similar to 2019,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY-REGIONAL STUDIES,2021-10-01
  • Estimation of the Interaction Between Groundwater and Surface Water Based on Flow Routing Using an Improved Nonlinear Muskingum-Cunge Method,WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT,2021-06-01
  • Simulation and prediction of shallow groundwater depth in the North China Plain based on regional periodic characteristics,ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES,01-SEP-21
  • Land use change and its impact on groundwater in the typical district of Sanjiang Plain during the past 40 years,Shuili Xuebao/Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2021-08-01
  • 水利行业地下水监测系统水位埋深数据质量评估与对比,水资源与水工程学报,2021-01-01
  • 130、Simulation and prediction of shallow groundwater depth in the North China Plain based on regional periodic characteristics,ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES,2021-09-01
  • Temporal and spatial variation of water quantity exchange between surface water and groundwater in typical district of Sanjiang Plain,Shuili Xuebao/Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2021-10-01
  • Spatiotemporal Distribution and Statistical Analysis of Abnormal Groundwater Level Rising in Poyang Lake Basin,WATER,2022-06-01
  • 江苏水利多要素监测体系的现状与发展趋势,江苏水利,2022-06-01
  • 三江平原典型区地下水流场变化及主要影响因素分析,水利学报,2022-01-01
  • 机器学习模型在地下水埋深模拟中的适应性分析,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2022-01-01
  • 新汴河宿州段地下水—地表水交换量计算,水电能源科学,2022-01-01
  • 基于时空分数阶导数模型的潜流带溶质运移模拟,南水北调与水利科技(中英文),2022-01-01
  • 非稳态潜流交换过程研究进展,水文地质工程地质,2022-01-01
  • Horizontal hydraulic conductivity of shallow streambed sediments and comparison with the grain-size analysis results,Hydrological Processes,01-JAN-12
  • Determination of the anisotropy of an upper streambed layer in east-central Nebraska, USA,Hydrogeology Journal,01-JAN-12
  • Field evidence and numerical simulation of scale effect of hydraulic conductivity,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-12
  • Determining informational entropy of KARST spring hydrology based on wavelet transform,Advanced Materials Research,01-JAN-12
  • Interpretation of Pumping Test with Radial Collector Well Using a Reservoir Model,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-12
  • Evaluation of climate change impact on sustainability of Tailan underground reservoir in China,Advanced Materials Research,01-JAN-13
  • Parameter estimation for a karst aquifer with unknown thickness using the genetic algorithm method,ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES,01-JAN-11
  • Laboratory study on the recharge efficiency of infiltration basin,ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection,01-JAN-11
  • Study on the heterogeneity of vertical hyporheic flux using a heat tracing method,Shuili Xuebao/Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,01-JAN-13
  • Interpretation of a short-duration pumping test in the mixed flow karst system using a three-reservoir model,CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES,01-JAN-13
  • Kriging method for estimation of groundwater resources in a basin with scarce monitoring data,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-09
  • 河床地形影响潜流交换作用的数值分析,水科学进展,01-JAN-12
  • An index of river health for river plain network regions,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-09
  • Study of hydrodynamics of karstic aquifer based on grey correlation analysis,ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection,01-JAN-11
  • Small-scale rainfall-runoff experiments and numerical simulation in a typical small karst basin of Houzhai, Guizhou Province, China,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-09
  • 基于示踪试验求解岩溶含水层水文地质参数,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),01-JAN-09
  • 基于灵敏度分析的地下水数值模拟精度适应性评价,河海大学学报(自然科学版),01-JAN-10
  • 河床沉积物渗透系数的对比研究,第五届中国水论坛论文集,01-JAN-08
  • A coupled seepage-horizontal well flow model and numerical experiments,水科学进展,01-JAN-09
  • 稀疏数据插值问题的回归克里格方法,水电能源科学,01-JAN-09
  • 近40年可鲁克湖-托素湖面积变化及影响因素分析,水资源保护,30-JAN-14
  • 基于热追踪方法的河流横断面潜流交换时空非均质特征研究,第四纪研究,30-SEP-14
  • 河流附近非水平初始面潜水渗流分析,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),26-JAN-14
  • 含水层压密引起其特征参数变化的实验,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),26-NOV-13
  • 应用MODFLOW和LAK3计算水库渗漏量,工程勘察,01-JUL-13
  • 裂隙-管道介质泉流量衰减过程试验研究及数值模拟,水利学报,28-JAN-14
  • 渗透系数空间变异性对低渗透地层中地下水溶质运移的影响,河海大学学报(自然科学版),25-MAR-14
  • Physical experiment and numerical simulation of spring flow attenuation process in fissure-conduit media,Shuili Xuebao/Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,01-JAN-14
  • 管道-裂隙岩溶含水介质非均质性的水文效应,南水北调与水利科技,28-FEB-13
  • Experimental determination of fractures and conduits and the applicability of Cubic law in closed fractures,EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE,01-JAN-15
  • Study of an evaluation index system of well-off water conservancy in Yunnan Province,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,01-JAN-15
  • Variations of streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity before and after a flood season,HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL,01-JAN-15
  • Monitoring temporal patterns of vertical hyporheic flux via distributed temperature sensors,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,01-JAN-15
  • A new empirical model for estimating the hydraulic conductivity of low permeability media,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,01-JAN-15
  • Stochastic analysis of the hydraulic conductivity estimated for a heterogeneous aquifer via numerical modelling,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,01-JAN-15
  • 贵州后寨喀斯特流域含水介质渗透系数空间尺度特征研究,中国科技论文,01-AUG-16
  • 地下水水文学课程基础概念的课堂微实践模式初探与效果评价,新课程(下),01-JAN-16
  • A new method for evaluating riverside well locations based on allowable withdrawal,Water,21-SEP-16
  • Laboratory Analog Analysis of Spring Recession Curve in a Karst Aquifer with Fracture and Conduit Domains,Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,01-FEB-16
  • The heterogeneity of 3-D vertical hydraulic conductivity in a streambed,Hydrology Research,10-FEB-16
  • Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Groundwater Drought and Its Response to Meteorological Drought in Jiangsu Province, China,WATER,01-JAN-16
  • Heat tracing to determine spatial patterns of hyporheic exchange across a river transect,Hydrogeology Journal,01-JAN-17
  • Differences in methods of quantifying the vertical hyporheic flow for streambank flow field,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,01-JAN-17
  • The Influences of a Clay Lens on the Hyporheic Exchange in a Sand Dune,WATER,01-JAN-18
  • Impact of a low-permeability lens on dune-induced hyporheic exchange,HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES,01-JAN-18
  • Experimental study on hyporheic flow varied by the clay lens and stream flow,ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES,01-JAN-18
  • Quantitative analysis of riverbank groundwater flow for the Qinhuai River, China, and its influence factors,HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES,01-JAN-18
  • A convenient method to estimate soil hydraulic conductivity using electrical conductivity and soil compaction degree,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-JAN-19
  • Field Experiments of Hyporheic Flow Affected by a Clay Lens,WATER,01-JAN-19
  • Event-Driven Hyporheic Exchange during Single and Seasonal Rainfall in a Gaining Stream,WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
  • Impact of fractional probability distributions on statistics of hydraulic conductivity, dynamics of groundwater flow and solute transport at a low-permeability site,HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES,15-OCT-20
  • Impact of fractional probability distributions on statistics of hydraulic conductivity, dynamics of groundwater flow and solute transport at a low-permeability site,Hydrological Processes,10-JAN-20
  • 华北平原超采区浅层地下水埋深变化及控制因素分析,水资源与水工程学报,04-DEC-19
  • 点云密度对水下抛石效果评价的不确定性研究,人民长江,07-AUG-19
  • 黏土透镜体影响潜流交换的试验研究,长江科学院院报,05-APR-18
  • 基于电导率深度变化曲线的地层渗透系数变化趋势模拟方法,水电能源科学,14-APR-17
  • 压缩过程中粗粒土渗透性变化的试验分析,水资源与水工程学报,15-DEC-16
  • 五种基流分割方法在长江螺山站的应用对比研究,水资源与水工程学报,03-JUN-15
  • 长江螺山站50 年来基流演变趋势分析,水资源与水工程学报,29-OCT-15
  • 长江干流朱沱站- 大通站基流变化特征,南水北调与水利科技,14-OCT-15
  • Event-Driven Hyporheic Exchange during Single and Seasonal Rainfall in a Gaining Stream,Water Resources Management,16-SEP-20
  • Interpretation of Pumping Test with Radial Collector Well Using a Reservoir Model,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2012-01-01
  • Horizontal hydraulic conductivity of shallow streambed sediments and comparison with the grain-size analysis results,Hydrological Processes,2012-01-01


  • 一种监测管道-裂隙水流运动规律的实验装置
  • 一种集成化的地下水水力梯度测量仪
  • 一种地下暗管式潜水补给系统
  • 一种下沉式绿地雨水储存利用装置
  • 一种沙丘模具
  • 一种可净水井盖
  • 一种监测管道-裂隙水流运动规律的实验装置
  • 一种地下暗管式潜水补给系统
  • 一种下沉式绿地雨水储存利用装置
  • 一种监测黏土透镜体影响下潜流交换的实验装置
  • 一种监测孔隙水溶质运移规律的实验装置
  • 一种可调节供水方式的潜流交换砂槽模型


  • 2021-05 - 2026-04 《水文地质工程地质》杂志青年审稿人
  • 2022-04 - 1970-01 长江技术经济学会青年工作委员会
  • 2022-09 - 1970-01 《水电能源科学》杂志青年编委
  • 2023-01 - 2027-01 国际水文科学协会地下水专委会(IAHS-ICGW)副主席


  • 2020年度大禹水利科学技术奖_二等奖(省、部级),水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院,2020-12-23,省、部级