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刘光文馆203 15996222680 wuft@hhu.edu.cn


  • 全球气候变化
  • 综合极端事件
  • 中长期水文预报
  • 气候变化的检测与归因


  • 中国气温降水综合极端事件的观测分析与模拟评估,2017.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委(调入我校),水文水资源学院
  • 利用Copula方法研究长江流域水文气候综合极端事件,2018.01.01-2020.12.31,水文水资源学院
  • 热浪干旱并发事件的成因机制研究,2018.01.01-2019.12.31,水文水资源学院
  • 重庆市中长期洪旱的影响因子分析与预报研究项目,2018.09.13-,重庆市水文水资源勘测局,水文水资源学院
  • 大型水库群运行期设计洪水与特征水位理论方法,2022.11.22-2026.04.30, 2022-11-01,钟平安,国家科技支撑计划,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院,科技类,523007712


  • Temporal and spatial variations of soil moisture - Precipitation feedback in East China during the East Asian summer monsoon period: A sensitivity study,ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH,01-JAN-18
  • Evaluation and projection of summer extreme precipitation over East Asia in the Regional Model Inter-comparison Project,Climate Research,SCIE,2016,Futing Wu,Nanjing University,Shuyu Wang,Shuyu Wang,Nanjing University,69:45-58
  • High-frequency variability of daily temperature in China and its relationship with large scale circulation, International Journal of Climatology,SCIE,2017,Futing Wu,Nanjing University,Congbin Fu,Yun, Qian,Congbin Fu,Nanjing University
  • Assessment of GEWEX/SRB version 3.0 monthly global radiation dataset over China,Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics ,SCIE,2011,Futing Wu,Institute of atmospheric physics,Congbin Fu
  • Temperature dependence of global precipitation extremes,Geophysical Research Letters,SCIE,2009,Shaw Chen Liu
  • Change of precipitation intensity spectra at different spatial scales under warming conditions,Chinese Science Bulletin,SCIE,2013,Futing Wu,Nanjing University,Congbin Fu
  • Temporal and spatial variations of soil moisture - Precipitation feedback in East China during the East Asian summer monsoon period: A sensitivity study,ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH,2018-01-01
  • A modeling study of the influence of initial soil moisture on summer precipitation during the East Asian Summer Monsoon,Dynamic of Atmospheric and ocean,SCIE,2019,Shi Zhong,Hohai University
  • A New Index About the Walker Circulation,JOURNAL OF TROPICAL METEOROLOGY,01-JAN-20
  • A modeling study of the influence of initial soil moisture on summer precipitation during the East Asian summer monsoon,DYNAMICS OF ATMOSPHERES AND OCEANS,2019-01-01
  • An investigation of heat source effect of Tibetan Plateau on the wintertime India-Burma Trough,GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE,01-JAN-20
  • 重庆市伏秋旱时空演变特征及其影响因素分析,长江流域资源与环境,2022-01-01


  • 1970-01 - 1970-01 江苏省气象学会第十五届理事会 理事


  • 本科毕业设计(论文)优秀导师,河海大学,吴福婷,2022年7月,校级