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刘光文馆副楼318 siwei@hhu.edu.cn
司伟,河海大学水文水资源学院水文水资源工程专业,副教授。从事水文物理规律模拟及水文预报的教学和科研工作。主讲课程《水文预报》、《水文预报课程设计》、《水文实验》、《径流形成原理与现代洪水预报》、《产汇流理论》。 2010年获得河海大学水文水资源工程专业学士学位,同年直博,2016年取得河海大学水文学及水资源专业博士学位,期间2014年-2015年被国家留学基金委公派至美国亚利桑那大学访问交流一年,2016年-2019年在河海大学从事博士后研究工作,2020年10月至2021年10月在水利部国际合作与科技司交流工作,2020年至今为河海大学水文水资源学院副教授。 主要研究方向为水文产汇流机理、分布和半分布式水文模型、预报误差修正、水文模型参数优化、实时洪水预报调度系统研发及应用。


  • 2014-08 - 2015-08: 河海大学 博士
  • 2010-09 - 2016-06: 河海大学 博士
  • 2006-09 - 2010-06: 河海大学 学士


  • 2020-10 - 2021-10 水利部国际合作与科技司交流工作,副教授
  • 2020-01 - 1970-01 河海大学水文院教学科研,副教授
  • 2016-09 - 2019-11 河海大学商学院博士后研究工作,博士后


  • 主要从事水文产汇流机理、分布和半分布式水文模型、预报误差修正、水文模型参数优化、实时洪水预报调度系统研发及应用


  • 基于动态系统微分响应的水文模型关键要素信息提取及误差修正研究
  • 变化环境下黄河中游典型流域水沙变化成因量化分析及水沙耦合模拟研究
  • 基于系统微分响应的面平均雨量误差修正研究
  • 基于系统微分响应的水文模型误差修正研究
  • 基于水文模型分析土地利用变化下的水文响应研究
  • 基于傅里叶级数的河段水流模型结构误差研究
  • 基于同位素与水文模型耦合研究土地利用变化的流域水文过程响应
  • 地形地貌对小流域产汇流过程的影响研究
  • 中小河流洪水智慧预报预警技术研究与示范应用
  • 基于系统响应反演的水库防洪承载力预测模型研究


  • Objectivity verification experiment of the dynamic system response curve method for streamflow simulation,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2023-02-01
  • 系统微分响应误差修正方法在VIC模型中的应用与研究,中国农村水利水电,2023-01-01
  • The changing precipitation storm properties under future climate change,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,2023-04-01
  • 近60年辽宁省极端气候事件时空演变规律分析,水力发电,2023-01-01
  • Objectivity verification experiment of the dynamic system response curve method for streamflow simulation,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2023-02-01
  • Multi-model integrated error correction for streamflow simulation based on Bayesian model averaging and dynamic system response curve,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2022-04-01
  • Application of Regularized Dynamic System Response Curve for Runoff Correction Based on HBV Model: Case Study of Shiquan Catchment,China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2022-04-01
  • Application of Regularized Dynamic System Response Curve for Runoff Correction Based on HBV Model: Case Study of Shiquan Catchment,China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2022-03-31
  • 水库流域雨洪耦合预报方法研究,水力发电,2021-01-01
  • Sediment yield error correction by dynamic system response curve method in real-time flood forecasting,JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS,2021-01-01
  • Coupling Xinanjiang model and wavelet-based random forests method for improved daily streamflow simulation,JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS,2021-05-01
  • Integrated real-time flood risk identification, analysis, and diagnosis model framework for a multireservoir system considering temporally and spatially dependent forecast uncertainties,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-09-01
  • A dynamic information extraction method for areal mean rainfall error and its application in basins of different scales for flood forecasting,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,2021-02-01
  • Evaluating Runoff Generation in a Humid Bamboo Watershed Using Isotopic and Hydrochemical Tracer,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2019-01-01
  • 降雨动态系统响应曲线修正方法在黄土区域水沙模拟中的应用,湖泊科学,08-FEB-20
  • 降雨动态系统响应曲线修正方法在黄土区域水沙模拟中的应用,湖泊科学,08-FEB-20
  • 面平均雨量误差和产流量误差修正的对比研究-以富春江流域为例,中国农村水利水电学报,14-FEB-16
  • 面平均雨量的系统响应曲线修正方法及其在富春江流域洪水预报中的应用,水力发电学报,13-JAN-16
  • 基于面平均雨量误差修正的实时洪水预报修正方法,湖泊科学,16-FEB-18
  • Effects of molecular weight fractions and chemical properties of time-series cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances on the aggregation of lake colloidal particles,Science of the Total Environment,09-NOV-19
  • Investigating the role of colloids on the distribution of bisphenol analogues in surface water from an ecological demonstration area, China,Science of the Total Environment,23-JUL-19
  • Modeling the effect of land use change on hydrological model parameters via linearized calibration method in the upstream of Huaihe River Basin, China,Water SA,04-APR-17
  • A bivariable coupling model for river channel routing developed from the flow continuity equation and its application,Water SA,04-APR-19
  • A Semi-physical Sediment Yield Model for Estimation of Suspended Sediment in Loess Region,International Journal of Sediment Research,10-JAN-17
  • Updating real-time flood forecasts via the dynamic system response curve method,Water Resources Research,01-JUL-15
  • Improved Dynamic System Response Curve Method for Real-Time Flood Forecast Updating,Water Resources Research,01-SEP-19
  • Evaluating Runoff Generation in a Humid Bamboo Watershed Using Isotopic and Hydrochemical Tracer,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,01-JAN-19
  • Stable isotope tracers as diagnostic tools in studying water sources in a humid bamboo watershed during the plum rainfall events,WATER POLICY,01-JAN-19
  • Improved Dynamic System Response Curve Method for Real-Time Flood Forecast Updating,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,01-JAN-19


  • 1970-01 - 1970-01 担任《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委
  • 1970-01 - 1970-01 担任《Water Resources Research》、《


  • 浙江省水利科技科技创新奖三等奖
  • 国家电网新源控股有限公司科学技术进步奖三等奖