雍斌,教授(二级)、博士生导师,国家领军人才。主要从事遥感水文学研究,研究兴趣包括:降水、水文要素遥感反演、缺资料流域水文模拟预报、智慧水利等。博士毕业于南京大学,曾在美国俄克拉荷马大学、马里兰大学、NOAA暴雨研究中心访学,目前担任Journal of Hydrometeorology副编辑、《水资源保护》与《水利水电科技进展》编委,是国际降水科学指导委员会(IPWG)核心成员、中国水利学会雨水专业委员会委员。主持国家自然科学基金联合重点、国家重点研发课题等项目30余项,在BAMS、GEOLOGY、WRR、JHM、JH等期刊发表论文100余篇,SCI他引5000余次,学术指数H为39。科研成果获教育部自然科学奖一等奖(第2)、教育部自然科学奖二等奖(第2)、大禹水利科技进步奖一等奖(第1);教学成果获高等学校水利类专业教学成果奖一等奖(第2)。曾荣获科技部推进计划中青年科技创新领军人才、江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次培养对象、江苏省“333工程”中青年科学技术带头人、江苏省“青蓝工程”学术带头人、刘光文青年科技奖等学术荣誉称号。
- 降水、水文要素遥感反演
- 缺资料流域水文模拟预报
- 智慧水利
- Yong B.*, Ren L., Hong Y., Wang J., Gourley J. J., Jiang S., Chen X., Wang W., 2010. Hydrologic evaluation of Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis standard precipitation products in basins beyond its inclined latitude band: A case study in Laohahe basin, China. Water Resources Research, 46, W07542.
- Yong B.*, Hong Y., Ren L., Gourley J. J., Huffman G. J., Chen X., Wang W., Khan S. I., 2012. Assessment of evolving TRMM-based multi-satellite real-time precipitation estimation methods and their impacts on hydrologic prediction in a high latitude basin. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmosphere, 117, D09108.
- Yong B.*, Ren L., Hong Y., Gourley J. J., Tian Y., Huffman G. J., Chen X., Wang W., Wen Y., 2013. First evaluation of the climatological calibration algorithm in the real-time TMPA precipitation estimates over two basins at high and low latitudes. Water Resources Research, 49: 2461-2472.
- Yong B.*, Ren L., Hong Y., Gourley J. J., Chen X., Dong J., Wang W., Shen Y., Hardy J., 2013. Spatial-temporal changes of water resources in a typical semi-arid basin of North China over the past 50 years and assessment of possible natural and socioeconomic causes. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14(4): 1009-1034.
- Yong B.*, Chen B., Gourley J. J., Ren L., Hong Y., Chen X., Wang W., Chen S., Gong L., 2014. Intercomparison of the Version-6 and Version-7 TMPA precipitation products over high and low latitudes basins with independent gauge networks: Is the newer version better in both real-time and post-real-time analysis for water resources and hydrologic extremes? Journal of Hydrology, 508:77-87.
- Yong B.*, Liu D., Gourley J. J., Tian Y., Huffman G. J., Ren L., Hong Y., 2015. Global view of real-time TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis: implication to its successor Global Precipitation Measurement mission. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96(2): 283-296.
- Yong B.*, Wang J., Ren L., You Y., Xie P., Hong Y., 2016. Evaluating Four Multi-satellite Precipitation Estimates over Diaoyu Islands during Typhoon Seasons. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17(6):1623-1641.
- Chen H., Yong B.*, Gourley J. J., Liu J., Ren L., Wang W., Hong Y., Zhang J., 2019. Impact of the crucial geographic climatic factors on the input source errors of GPM-based global satellite precipitation estimates. Journal of Hydrology, 575, 1-16.
- Chen H., Yong B.*, Qi W., Wu H., Ren L., Hong Y., 2020. Investigating the evaluation uncertainty for satellite precipitation estimates based on two different ground precipitation observation products. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21: 2595-2606.
- Chen H., Yong B.*, Shen Y., Liu J., Hong Y., Zhang J, 2020. Comparison Analysis of Six Purely Satellite-derived Global Precipitation Estimates. Journal of Hydrology, 581: 124376.
- Shen Z., Yong B.*, Gourley J. J., Qi W., Lu D., Liu J., Ren L., Hong Y. and Zhang J, 2020. Recent global performance of the Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation (CHIRP) with Station (CHIRPS). Journal of Hydrology, 591: 125284.
- Yong B., Wang C. Y., Chen J. S., Chen J. Q., Barry D. A., Wang T., Li L., 2021. Missing water from the Qiangtang Basin on the Tibetan Plateau. Geology, 49: 867-872.
- Chen H., Yong B.*, Kirstetter P. E., Wang L., Hong Y., 2021. Global component analysis of errors in three satellite-only global precipitation estimates. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25: 3087-3104.
- Shen Z., Yong B.*, Gourley J. J., Qi W., 2021. Real-time adjustment for satellite-based precipitation estimates over Mainland China. Journal of Hydrology, 596: 126133.
- Shen Z., Yong B.*, 2021. Downscaling the GPM-based satellite precipitation retrievals using gradient boosting decision tree approach over Mainland China. Journal of Hydrology, 602: 126803.
- Lyu Y., Yong B.*, Huang F., Qi W., Tian F., Wang G., Zhang J., 2024. Investigating twelve mainstream global precipitation datasets: Which one performs better on the Tibetan Plateau? Journal of Hydrology, 633: 130947.
- Yong B.*, Qi W., Lu D., Lyu Y., Liao A., Wang G., Ren L., Zhang J., 2024. Streamflow change of major rivers over the Tibetan Plateau during the last half century and its possible causes. Hydrological Processes, 38: e15066.
- Qi W., Yong B.*, Gourley J. J., 2021. Monitoring the super typhoon Lekima by GPM-based near-real-time satellite precipitation estimates. Journal of Hydrology, 603: 126968.
- Shen Z., Yong B.*, Wu H., 2024. Which error components in TRMM-based multisatellite precipitation estimates reduce over Chinese mainland after official bias adjustments: systematic or random? Journal of Hydrometeorology, Accepted.
- Chen H., Yong B.*, Gourley J. J., Wen D., Qi W., Yang K., 2022. A novel real-time error adjustment method with considering four factors for correcting hourly multi-satellite precipitation estimates. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60: 4105211.
- Lyu Y., Yong B.*, 2024. A novel double machine learning strategy for producing high-precision multi-source merging precipitation estimates over the Tibetan Plateau. Water Resources Research, Accepted.
- 雍斌,任立良,陈喜等,2009. 大尺度水文模型TOPX构建及其与区域环境系统集成模式RIEMS的耦合. 地球物理学报,52(8):1954-1965.
- 雍斌,张建云,王国庆,2023. 黄河源区水文预报的关键科学问题. 水科学进展,34(2):159-171.
- 大禹水利科学技术奖科技进步奖一等奖
- 教育部自然科学二等奖
- 教育部自然科学一等奖
- 高等学校水利类专业教学成果奖一等奖