主要从事气候变化下的水文响应、气候模式评估、降水时空分布及其影响机理,以及高寒区冻土水文机理等研究,独立主持和参与了多项重大科研项目,发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录35篇,EI收录1篇,给20余个SCI检索国际刊物担任审稿人。曾受邀在The University of Alabama做学术报告,并参与主持过两次AGU专题。
- 2002-09 - 2006-06: 河海大学 学士
- 2006-09 - 2009-07: 河海大学 水文学及水资源 硕士
- 2009-09 - 2013-12: 河海大学 地球科学 博士
- 2013-02 - 2018-02 美国沙漠研究所水文科学部气候变化下水文循环过程演变,博士后
- 气候变化下水文过程演变
- 冻土水文
- 2019-01-01 ~ 2020-12-31,青藏高原降雨时空变化及其对水文循环的影响
- 2021-05-01 ~ 2021-07-01,山南市乃东区雅砻河生态环境基线调查与评估
- 2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-30,降水多时间尺度变异下多年冻土活动层水热运移的短期骤变与长期演变机理研究
- 2022-06-01 ~ 2022-06-30,黄淮海地区不同干旱频率下的干旱灾害风险分析
- 2021-04-01 ~ 2021-04-01,台州市水雨情中长期预报分析项目
- 2020-05-01 ~ 2020-05-31,张家港市可用水量确定及水资源优化配置
- An improved friction calculation for water level and flow velocity simulation,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,01-JAN-19
- Improved Dynamic System Response Curve Method for Real-Time Flood Forecast Updating,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,01-JAN-19
- State estimation of conceptual hydrological models using unscented Kalman filter,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,01-JAN-19
- Development of dynamic system response curve method for estimating initial conditions of conceptual hydrological models,JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS,01-JAN-18
- Improved Dynamic System Response Curve Method for Real-Time Flood Forecast Updating,Water Resources Research,01-SEP-19
- Drought in the Western United States: Its Connections with Large-Scale Oceanic Oscillations,Atmosphere,01-FEB-19
- Storage and Drainage Characteristics of a Highly Heterogeneous Karst Aquifer in Houzhai Basin,Groundwater,01-NOV-16
- Changes of storm properties in the United States: Observations and multimodel ensemble projections,Global and Planetary Change,2016-07-01
- Changes of storm properties in the United States: Observations and multimodel ensemble projections,Global and Planetary Change,01-JUL-16
- Development of Multivariable Dynamic System Response Curve Method for Real-Time Flood Forecasting Correction,Water Resources Research,01-OCT-18
- A dynamic information extraction method for areal mean rainfall error and its application in basins of different scales for flood forecasting,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,2021-02-01
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of regional extreme precipitation in Yangtze River basin,Journal of Hydrology,SCI,2021.12,Peixi Li,Hohai University,Peng Jiang,Hohai University
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of regional extreme precipitation in Yangtze River basin,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-12-01
- Changes of seasonal storm properties in California and Nevada from an ensemble of climate projections,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2015-04-01
- 西藏自治区科学技术奖,水文水资源学院,2022