



担任ASCE期刊Journal of Hydrologic   EngineeringWater Science and   Engineering副主编和湖泊科学、水利水电科技进展和中国农村水利水电编委。

主持国家自然科学基金项目、科技支撑项目专题、江苏省自然科学基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目课题、澳大利亚联邦政府Endeavor (奋进计划)研究项目。同时,作为核心骨干完成和参与了包括“973”计划项目、国家重点研发项目和国家高技术发展计划“863”资助项目等多项国家级科研项目。

Journal of HydrologyWater Resources ResearchAgricultural and Forest   MeteorologyJournal of Geophysical   Research-A Hydrological Processes、水科学进展、水利学报等期刊上发表科学论文100多篇,被SCI引用2193次, H指数为27。出版学术专著2 部,参编2 部。授权受理发明专利16 项,软件著作权6 项。研究成果获(省部级)一等奖4 项,江苏省科学技术奖二等奖1 项。

Email: wangweiguang@hhu.edu.cn


[1]. 博士后:2007.2 – 2009.1,河海大学水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室。

[2]. 学士-博士:1996.9 – 2006.7,武汉大学水利水电学院水利系



[1]. 2006.9 – 2009.3,河海大学水文水资源学院,讲师

[2]. 2009.4 – 2013.4,河海大学水文水资源学院,副教授/硕士生导师

[3]. 2013.5 – 至今,河海大学水文水资源学院,教授/博士生导师

[4]. 2009.9 – 至今水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室固定研究人员

[5]. 2010.9– 2011.8,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)访问学者

[6]. 2014.11 – 2015.04,澳大利亚联邦科工研究组织(CSIRO),澳大利亚联邦政府Endeavor(奋进计划)Visiting Scientist(客座研究员)

[7]. 2016.122017.03,美国中佛罗里达大学,高级访问学者

[8]. 2016.12– 至今,河海大学,水文水资源学院,副院长



[1]. 国家自然科学基金项目“典型湿润区流域蒸散发组分分解及其对变化环境的响应机制研究”,主持


[3]. 江苏省杰出青年基金项目“长江中下游气候变化-水资源-粮食生产协同作用机理与调控”,主持

[4]. 国家重点研发计划项目“全球能量循环和水循环关键参数立体观测与遥感反演”,参与

[5]. 国家重点研发计划项目“多尺度水文水资源预报预测预警关键技术及应用研究”,参与

[6]. 国家自然科学基金项目“水稻水分利用效率对气候变化的响应模拟及适应性研究”,主持

[7]. 国家科技支撑项目“灌区农田除涝抗旱减灾关键技术”,专题负责

[8]. 国家重点基础研究发展计划“973项目“海河流域水循环演变机理与水资源高效利用”专题,核心完成

[9]. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“宁蒙河套水平衡及耗水量机制研究”,主要参与



[1].  国家级人才计划(2016

[2].  江苏省杰出青年基金获得者(2018

[3].  澳大利亚联邦政府Endeavor(奋进计划)(2015

[4].  江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才(2017

[5].  江苏省优秀博士学位论文指导教师(2018

[6].  中国水利学会刘光文青年科技奖(2015

[7].  全国高等学校水利类研究生优秀指导教师(2019




[1]         Cao, M., Wang, W.*, Xing,   W., Wei, J., Chen, X., Li, J., Shao, Q., 2021. Multiple sources of   uncertainties in satellite retrieval of terrestrial actual evapotranspiration. Journal of Hydrology, 126624 (Accepted). (IF=5.722)

[2]         Deng, C., Wang, W.*, 2021.A   two-stage partitioning monthly model and assessment of its performance on   runoff modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 592, 125829.   (IF=5.722)

[3]         Chen, Z., Wang, W.*, Woods, R., Shao, Q., 2021.Hydrological   effects of change in vegetation components across global catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 595, 125775. (IF=5.722)

[4]         Wei, J., Wang, W.*, Shao, Q., Yu, Z., Chen, Z., Huang, Y., Xing,   W., 2020. Heat wave variations across China tied to Global SST Modes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   125(6), e2019JD031612. (IF=4.261)

[5]       Zheng,   J., Wang, W.*, Liu, G.,   Ding, Y., Cao, X., Chen, D., Engel, B. A., 2020. Towards quantification of   the national water footprint in rice production of China: A first assessment   from the perspectives of single-double rice. Science   of the Total Environment, 739, 140032. (IF=7.963)

[6]         Chen, Z., Wang, W.*, Yu, Z., Xia, J., Schwartz, F. W., 2020. The   collapse points of increasing trend of vegetation rain-use efficiency under   droughts. Environmental Research Letters,   15(10), 104072. (IF=6.793)

[7]         Fu, J., Wang, W.*, 2019. On the lower bound of Budyko curve: The   influence of precipitation seasonality. Journal of   Hydrology, 570, 292-303. (IF=5.722)

[8]         Wang W.*, Li J., Yu Z., Ding Y., Xing W., Lu   W., 2018. Satellite retrieval of actual evapotranspiration in the Tibetan   Plateau: components partitioning, multidecadal trends and dominated factors   identifying. Journal of Hydrology, 559,   471-485 (IF=5.722)

[9]         Ding, Y., Wang, W.*, Zhuang, Q., Luo. Y., 2020. Adaptation of paddy   rice in China to climate change: The effects of shifting sowing date on yield   and irrigation water requirement. Agricultural   Water Management, 228, 105890. (IF=4.516)

[10]      Lu, W., Wang, W.*, Shao, Q., Yu, Z., Hao, Z., Xing, W., Yong, B.,   Li, J., 2018. Hydrological projections of future climate change over the   source region of Yellow River and Yangtze River in the Tibetan Plateau: A   comprehensive assessment by coupling RegCM4 and VIC model. Hydrological Processes, 32(13), 2096-2117. (IF=3.565)

[11]    Xing W., Wang W.*,   Zou S., Deng C., 2018. Projection of future runoff change using elasticity   method derived from Budyko framework in major basins across China. Global and Planetary Change,   162, 120-135. (IF=5.114)

[12]      Wang W.*, Li C., Xing W., Fu J., 2017.   Projecting the potential evapotranspiration by coupling different   formulations and input data reliabilities: The possible uncertainty source   for climate change impacts on hydrological regime. Journal   of Hydrology, 555, 298-313. (IF=5.722)

[13]      Wang W.*, Ding Y., Shao Q., Xu J., Jiao X., Luo   Y., Yu Z., 2017. Bayesian   multi-model projection of irrigation requirement and water use efficiency in   three typical rice plantation regions of China based on CMIP5. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,   232:89-105.(IF=5.734)

[14]      Wang W.*, Zou S., Shao Q., Xing W., Chen X.,   Jiao X., Luo Y., Yong B., Yu Z., 2016. The analytical derivation of multiple   elasticities of runoff to climate change and catchment characteristics   alteration, Journal of Hydrology, 541,   1042-1056. (IF=5.722)

[15]      Wang W.*, Xing   W., Shao Q., 2015. How large are uncertainties in future projection of   reference evapotranspiration through different approaches? Journal of Hydrology, 524, 696-700. (IF=5.722)

[16]      Wang W.*, Xing W., Shao   Q., Yu Z., Peng S., Yang T., Yong B., John, T., Singh V.P., 2013. Changes in   reference evapotranspiration across the Tibetan Plateau: Observations and   future projections based on statistical downscaling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 18(10), 4049-4068. (IF=4.261)

[17]      Wang W.*, Shao Q.,   Yang T., Peng S., Xing W., Sun F., Luo Y., 2013. Quantitative assessment of   the impact of climate variability and human activities on runoff changes: a   case study in four catchments of the Haihe River Basin, China. Hydrological Processes,27(8), 1158-1174.(IF=3.565)

[18]      Wang W.*, Shao Q.,   Peng S., Xing W., Yang T., Luo Y., Yong B., Xu J., 2012. Reference   evapotranspiration change and the causes across the Yellow River Basin during   1957-2008 and their spatial and seasonal differences. Water Resources Research, 48, W05530. (IF=5.240)

[19]      王卫光, 李进兴, 魏建德, 邵全喜, 邓超, 余钟波, 基于蒸散发同化数据的径流过程模拟[J]水科学进展, 2018,   29(02):159-168. (年度优秀论文)

[20]      王卫光, 丁一民, 徐俊增, 缴锡云, 杨士红, 多模式集合模拟未来气候变化对水稻需水量及水分利用效率的影响[J], 水利学报,   2016, 47(6):715-723. (年度优秀论文)


供稿:水文水资源学院  编辑:  审核:

