

报告题目:Recent Advances in Flow and Transport in Fractured Rocks

报 告 人:Quanlin Zhou, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California

报告时间: 20171030日(周一)下午14:00

报告地点: 河海大学校本部工程馆301水文院学术报告厅



报告摘要: Dual-porosity and multiple interacting continua (MINC) models have been widely used in modeling groundwater flow and chemical transport in fractured rock. Recently we addressed these models’ inaccuracy caused by their fundamental assumptions: quasi-steady and buoyancy-free flow within matrix blocks. Analytical solutions for block-scale diffusion and diffusive fracture-matrix flux equations for various block shapes were developed. Applications of these solutions were demonstrated, including the famous MADE tracer test modeling.


报告人简介:Dr. Quanlin Zhou is Geological Staff Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), University of California. His research interests focus on analytical and numerical modeling of multiphase flow and solute/heat transport in fractured/porous media for contamination remediation, geological carbon sequestration, nuclear waste disposal, and geothermal energy production. In last 10 years, he was awarded $9.4 million research funds as PI and Co-PI from USDOE, USEPA, and CEC (California Energy Commission). He is an internationally recognized expert in geological carbon sequestration. He has authored more than 50 publications in top peer-reviewed journals, such as Water Resources Research, with SCI citations of more than1400, and H-index of 22.

