Henry Lin教授学术讲座通知






应水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室、水文学院邀请,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学Henry Lin教授将于2013912访问河海大学,并做学术报告,欢迎各位老师和同学参加。

报告题目: Critical Zone Science, Hydropedology, and Water Flow in Real-World Soils

报告时间: 2013912日下3:00

报告地点: 国重室301

报告人:Henry Lin教授(Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Outline of Seminar

This seminar will first provide an overview of two emerging interdisciplinary sciences – Critical Zone science and Hydropedology. The Critical Zone is a holistic framework for integrated studies of water with soil, rock, air, and biotic resources in the near-surface terrestrial environment. Hydropedology focuses on two fundamental questions: 1) How do soil architecture and the distribution of soils over the landscape exert a first-order control on hydrologic processes (and associated biogeochemical and ecological dynamics) across spatio-temporal scales? 2) How do hydrologic processes and the associated transport of energy, sediment, chemicals, and biomaterials influence soil genesis, evolution, variability, and functions?

Then, this seminar will focus on discussing water flow in real-world soils, which is fundamental to terrestrial hydrology, biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem services, climate change, land use, contaminant transport, natural hazard mitigations, and many other applications.  Heterogeneities, structures, interfaces, roughness, and organisms in multiphase soil systems make real-world soils deviated significantly from the classical assumptions of homogeneity and continuum porous media. This semina r will focus on a 3rd principle of water flow in structured soils and a mosaic theory for holistic understanding of evolving flow networks embedded in the land surface and subsurface. Depending on landscape setting, soil architecture, initial moisture, precipitation characteristics, and biological activities, the degree and observability of the mosaic pattern varies across space and time. Examples will be given to illustrate the 3rd principle and the mosaic theory.

Biographical sketch for Henry Lin

Henry Lin is a Professor of Hydropedology/Soil Hydrology in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at The Pennsylvania State University, USA. He has been active in research and education in the areas of Hydropedology and Critical Zone science.  He has published over 100 papers, and edited the 1st book on Hydropedology as well as eight special issues of various journals related to hydropedology. He is a fellow of Soil Science Society of America, and has served as the founding chair of the Hydropedology Working Group of the Soil Science Society of America and of the International Union of Soil Sciences. He organized and chaired the First International Conference on Hydropedology in 2008. He is a Co-Principal Investigator of the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation. His research interests include fundamental understanding and practical applications of integrated soil and water sciences, soil architecture and preferential flow across scales, complex systems view of soil formation and soil functions, thermodynamic underpinning of physical and biological forcing, and the holistic understanding of the Earth’s Critical Zone.

More info about Henry Lin can be found at: http://ecosystems.psu.edu/directory/hul3

